Reality Check for MSM-lemmings
(too old to reply)
2022-04-19 16:29:00 UTC
Russian Ops in Ukraine: Mariupol, US Artillery Shipments, & Kiev

Joe Cummings
2022-04-20 06:01:17 UTC
Post by m***@privacy.net
Russian Ops in Ukraine: Mariupol, US Artillery Shipments, & Kiev
"Russian Ops??"

Go on, "Me," I dare you to call it a war.

If you do, you know you'll get 15 years in prison.

Do Svidanie, Drug

Joe Cummings
2022-04-20 15:02:26 UTC
Post by Joe Cummings
Post by m***@privacy.net
Russian Ops in Ukraine: Mariupol, US Artillery Shipments, & Kiev
"Russian Ops??"
Go on, "Me," I dare you to call it a war.
If you do, you know you'll get 15 years in prison.
Do Svidanie, Drug
Joe Cummings
Looking less and less like liberation or a special ops. Even Putin has
to be embarrassed calling it a special ops.
2022-04-20 16:36:43 UTC
Post by JU5T1C3
Post by Joe Cummings
Post by m***@privacy.net
Russian Ops in Ukraine: Mariupol, US Artillery Shipments, & Kiev
"Russian Ops??"
Go on, "Me," I dare you to call it a war.
If you do, you know you'll get 15 years in prison.
Do Svidanie, Drug
Joe Cummings
Looking less and less like liberation or a special ops. Even Putin
has to be embarrassed calling it a special ops.
What kind of liberation are you talking about? Is this what your
fake news factory BBC told you? Or The Sun? Or was it The Guardian
bullshit factory? Putin has never used the word liberation. He
said disarmament and denazification. And he can call a military
operation anything he likes. British preferences do not count. I
would have called it rat extermination. Just look at the ratlike
faces of captured lowlife british mercenaries.
2022-04-20 17:26:47 UTC
Post by JU5T1C3
Post by Joe Cummings
Post by m***@privacy.net
Russian Ops in Ukraine: Mariupol, US Artillery Shipments, & Kiev
"Russian Ops??"
Go on, "Me," I dare you to call it a war.
If you do, you know you'll get 15 years in prison.
Do Svidanie, Drug
Joe Cummings
Looking less and less like liberation or a special ops. Even Putin has
to be embarrassed calling it a special ops.
What kind of liberation are you talking about? Is this what your fake
news factory BBC told you? Or The Sun? Or was it The Guardian bullshit
factory? Putin has never used the word liberation. He said disarmament
and denazification. And he can call a military operation anything he
likes. British preferences do not count. I would have called it rat
extermination. Just look at the ratlike faces of captured lowlife
british mercenaries.
Joe Cummings
2022-04-20 18:40:14 UTC
Post by m***@privacy.net
Post by JU5T1C3
Post by Joe Cummings
Post by m***@privacy.net
Russian Ops in Ukraine: Mariupol, US Artillery Shipments, & Kiev
"Russian Ops??"
Go on, "Me," I dare you to call it a war.
If you do, you know you'll get 15 years in prison.
Do Svidanie, Drug
Joe Cummings
Looking less and less like liberation or a special ops. Even Putin
has to be embarrassed calling it a special ops.
What kind of liberation are you talking about? Is this what your
fake news factory BBC told you? Or The Sun? Or was it The Guardian
bullshit factory? Putin has never used the word liberation. He
said disarmament and denazification.
and he can call a military
operation anything he likes.
But you can't. In fact you daren't, because other wise you're up for
15 years.
Post by m***@privacy.net
British preferences do not count. I
would have called it rat extermination. Just look at the ratlike
faces of captured lowlife british mercenaries.
Well, do that, and make a comparison with the poor Russian
soldiers;Poor pay, food when they can get it, and, of course the
chance to loot western goods that they'd never be able to buy in

Things are going bad for you, moy drug.

2022-04-20 21:22:44 UTC
Post by Joe Cummings
Post by m***@privacy.net
Post by JU5T1C3
Post by Joe Cummings
Post by m***@privacy.net
Russian Ops in Ukraine: Mariupol, US Artillery Shipments, & Kiev
"Russian Ops??"
Go on, "Me," I dare you to call it a war.
If you do, you know you'll get 15 years in prison.
Do Svidanie, Drug
Joe Cummings
Looking less and less like liberation or a special ops. Even Putin
has to be embarrassed calling it a special ops.
What kind of liberation are you talking about? Is this what your
fake news factory BBC told you? Or The Sun? Or was it The Guardian
bullshit factory? Putin has never used the word liberation. He
said disarmament and denazification.
and he can call a military
operation anything he likes.
But you can't. In fact you daren't, because other wise you're up for
15 years.
Post by m***@privacy.net
British preferences do not count. I
would have called it rat extermination. Just look at the ratlike
faces of captured lowlife british mercenaries.
Well, do that, and make a comparison with the poor Russian
soldiers;Poor pay, food when they can get it, and, of course the
chance to loot western goods that they'd never be able to buy in
Things are going bad for you, moy drug.
My friend, I really like you, because I like your famous english
humor. I'm just somewhat worried about your health: your doctor
should adjust the dosage of your Fluoxetin 'cos it works way too
well. A well-known side effect is your perceptual disorder. You
believe to be in the fifties, but in reality we are in 2022. First
we take Mariupol, than we take Londonistan. And then we will buy
all those fine western goods with rouble while you heat your stove
with your pound notes. Go to your nearest supermarket, watch the
prices and you as a clever chap can calculate the date this
arrives at you. But I have good news for you: you don't have to
worry about the shortage of lorrydrivers anymore. In the next
weeks lots potential drivers will come to help you. Your Ukrainian
nazis. They will drive your lorries. If there will be anything to
load into them...
Joe Cummings
2022-04-21 08:44:03 UTC
Post by m***@privacy.net
Post by Joe Cummings
Post by m***@privacy.net
Post by JU5T1C3
Post by Joe Cummings
Post by m***@privacy.net
Russian Ops in Ukraine: Mariupol, US Artillery Shipments, & Kiev
"Russian Ops??"
Go on, "Me," I dare you to call it a war.
If you do, you know you'll get 15 years in prison.
Do Svidanie, Drug
Joe Cummings
Looking less and less like liberation or a special ops. Even Putin
has to be embarrassed calling it a special ops.
What kind of liberation are you talking about? Is this what your
fake news factory BBC told you? Or The Sun? Or was it The Guardian
bullshit factory? Putin has never used the word liberation. He
said disarmament and denazification.
and he can call a military
operation anything he likes.
But you can't. In fact you daren't, because other wise you're up for
15 years.
Post by m***@privacy.net
British preferences do not count. I
would have called it rat extermination. Just look at the ratlike
faces of captured lowlife british mercenaries.
Well, do that, and make a comparison with the poor Russian
soldiers;Poor pay, food when they can get it, and, of course the
chance to loot western goods that they'd never be able to buy in
Things are going bad for you, moy drug.
My friend, I really like you, because I like your famous english
humor. I'm just somewhat worried about your health: your doctor
should adjust the dosage of your Fluoxetin 'cos it works way too
well. A well-known side effect is your perceptual disorder. You
believe to be in the fifties, but in reality we are in 2022. First
we take Mariupol, than we take Londonistan. And then we will buy
all those fine western goods with rouble while you heat your stove
with your pound notes. Go to your nearest supermarket, watch the
prices and you as a clever chap can calculate the date this
arrives at you. But I have good news for you: you don't have to
worry about the shortage of lorrydrivers anymore. In the next
weeks lots potential drivers will come to help you. Your Ukrainian
nazis. They will drive your lorries. If there will be anything to
load into them...
Ah, I see you're using the Ukrainians are nazis argument.
Two points:
1) In the west we have what are known as free elections, which means
that the entire elected part of the government can be replaces. (It
must be very strange to you to read of western leaders being voted out
of office. Try to imagine, if you can, that people like Putin or his
stooge Lukashenko, can be voted out of office - they generally die in
the job, or get thrown out by a coup..
There were free elections in the Ukraine where the fascists got a
miserable 2% of the vote. And the all-wise hero-leader Putin knew -
yes "knew"- that the Ukrainians were all nazis, and you, my poor
innocent,believed him.

2)Here's a hypothetical scene that I'm afraid will be all too common :
A Russian "liberator"is talking to a Ukrainian, whose standing by a
dead civilian.
Ukrainian: "You've killed him."
Russian: "Is he dead?"
U. "Yes, he was my dad."
R:"Well if I killed him he must have been a nazi.
Give me his watch."
I've introduced you to the concept of free elections; but for God's
sake don't try to read up on this, otherwise you'll be banged up for

I wonder if you can justify to yourself, not me, the fact that you are
now a professional liar. Have you no self-respect? This is for you to
think about privately. To yourself

Do Svidanie, moy nievinnyi lzhets

Joe Cummings ;
