UK government advisers issue stark warning: Avoid local lockdowns or unleash total anarchy
(too old to reply)
Jim Crow
2020-08-01 17:55:43 UTC
As Frank Zappa wrote in a song, "It can't happen here." But wait! It
is happening in France, Seattle, and Portland. Buy ammo, body armor,
guns and form neighborhood protection groups.


UK government advisers issue stark warning: Avoid local lockdowns or
unleash total anarchy

By Graham Dockery, Irish journalist, commentator, and writer at RT.
Previously based in Amsterdam, he wrote for DutchNews and a scatter of
local and national newspapers.

As Britain imposes local lockdowns, a newly released study suggests the
UK is a hair’s breadth away from devastating riots. However, the
government was warned about this a long time ago, and apparently chose
to proceed anyway.

When the British government’s policing and security advisers met in
London on July 2, their tone was serious. Racial and societal tensions,
they warned, had reached boiling point in the UK, and the re-imposition
of coronavirus lockdown measures could ignite this powder keg and
trigger riots unseen since the mass unrest of 2011.

If this happens, the advisers warned, police would be unable to contain
the chaos, and “military support” would be required to restore order.

Also on rt.com New Covid-19 lockdown rules in North West England
‘crystal clear,’ UK health minister says. Mess & ‘s**t show,’ people reply

The advisers’ concerns were laid out in a paper, published on Friday by
the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage).
However, in the month between the meeting and the publication, the
government seems to have disregarded some of its key recommendations.

Localized lockdowns have been reimposed, with Health Secretary Matt
Hancock announcing on Thursday that people in parts of Greater
Manchester, West Yorkshire and Leicester would not be able to meet each
other indoors. Residents of Leicester have already labored under severe
restrictions for several weeks, and nationally, Prime Minister Boris
Johnson on Friday extended the shuttering of “close-contact services” –
such as casinos and bowling alleys – for another two weeks.

This is exactly what the paper warned against. Local lockdown “carries
with it a series of threats to social cohesion and public order,” its
authors cautioned.

According to the study, lockdowns, and the policing needed to enforce
them, increase the anger of Britain’s black and minority population, who
feel disproportionately targeted by law enforcement. This pronouncement
puts the government between a rock and a hard place. Allowing mass
gatherings of black youths – like illegal block parties and raves –
raises the likelihood of a coronavirus resurgence; breaking them up with
riot police only raises already bubbling racial tensions.

Also on rt.com London police threaten RAVE RAIDS after officers attacked
at illegal block party in Hackney (VIDEOS)

Compounding the problem, the report warns that “much larger sections of
the population” sympathise with the right wing and disagree with the
Black Lives Matter movement’s destruction of statues and monuments in
London and Bristol. These Britons are unlikely to accept de-facto house
arrest on account of the coronavirus, after police in London allowed
thousands of BLM protesters to march through the city’s streets in June.

A glimpse of this anger was seen a month ago, when the government
threatened to close beaches due to “irresponsible” gatherings of mostly
white sun-seekers, days after the London protests. The government’s
choice of priorities, one political commentator wrote at the time, was
“utterly wrong-headed.”

Moscow was also blamed for the bubbling resentment. “Hostile foreign
media – most obviously RT – are apt to provide live coverage of
sensitive events (e.g protests) and to amplify grievances of any
disaffected group,” the paper outlined. To the advisers, reporting on
Britain’s decaying social cohesion is evidently considered a “hostile”
act. However, in an era where Russia is a reliable scapegoat for the
UK’s own ills – with accusations ranging from meddling in Brexit to
stealing vaccine research – RT’s inclusion is perhaps par for the course.

Three weeks after the report’s release, it’s evident that Johnson’s
government did not take heed of its recommendations. For instance, the
paper recommends an “effective communication strategy” with regard to
policing. The areas of northern England now under lockdown have not
received effective communication, with Hancock’s announcement this week
coming out of the blue on Thursday night. Furthermore, the regulations
are riddled with contradictions – holidays are permitted while local
gatherings are not – and, while the government has threatened
rulebreakers with fines of £100, no law actually exists to enforce this

Also on rt.com Tory MP is RIGHT to query Britain’s BAME communities’
response to lockdown, and PC critics are WRONG to label him racist

Police were advised to be “seen to be impartial,” yet that has not
happened. The black youths whose raves were raided see the police as a
racist force. The white masses threatened with fines for attending
beaches see the law as favoring BLM protests.

Johnson was heavily criticized for his government’s reluctance to impose
lockdown measures at the outset of the pandemic, even as the UK’s
European neighbors forced their citizens to remain at home under the
threat of fines. He was then criticized in June for lifting these
measures too early, with his own advisers declaring that the disease was
spreading “too fast” to relax the lockdown.

Now, the Sage paper is quite clear in opposing local lockdowns, warning
that the resulting public disorder would trigger a surge in cases that
could be “next to impossible to contain.” This pronouncement, if true,
leaves Johnson’s government facing an unenviable dilemma: crack down on
the virus and unleash once-in-a-generation riots, or back off and allow
nature to run its course, for better or worse. Ironically, the latter
choice was initially mulled by Johnson, who suggested in March that
Britain could possibly take Covid-19 “on the chin.”

A solution probably lies somewhere in between, and the report recognises
this. Police are encouraged to modify their approach depending on the
nature of gatherings and assemblies; the government is advised to
acknowledge “community tensions” when implementing public health
measures; and if localised lockdowns are to be implemented, they
shouldn’t be without solid intelligence.
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive
to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite
frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." –Canadian Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau

2020-08-02 11:46:57 UTC
Crow = bird = khazar

Yet your lot are living in luxury in non British N London aka
spongers, parasites, kiddie fiddlers, 5th columnists, hate preachers,
racists, illegal immigrants... all khazars
Jim Crow
2020-08-03 04:06:21 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Crow = bird = khazar
Yet your lot are living in luxury in non British N London aka
spongers, parasites, kiddie fiddlers, 5th columnists, hate preachers,
racists, illegal immigrants... all khazars
The enemies of the Nazis triumphed in 1945 and the world that they
created has been an Antiromantic age. It has been an antifascist age. It
has been an anti-racist and anti-totalitarian age. It lacks self
confidence. This shit has been all the rage since literally 1945. It
permeates everything to an absurd degree. Martin Luther King, Jr. could
only become a secular saint in an antiracist age. Jim Crow could have
only fallen in an antiracist age. Virtually every institution in our
society has been steadily reconstructed around the goal of promoting
racial equality and the interests of black people. We live under
“systemic antiracism” which actively represses Whites with the laundry
list of -isms and -phobias. The political and cultural establishment
vilifies “Nazis” and “white supremacists” and sees “racism” in
everything. The previous crisis which was World War II has become the
compass for the elites who have ruled in its wake.

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive
to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite
frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." –Canadian Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau

2020-08-03 09:43:50 UTC
Post by Jim Crow
Post by Anonymous
Crow = bird = khazar
Yet your lot are living in luxury in non British N London aka
spongers, parasites, kiddie fiddlers, 5th columnists, hate preachers,
racists, illegal immigrants... all khazars
The enemies of the Nazis triumphed in 1945 and the world that they
created has been an Antiromantic age. It has been an antifascist age. It
has been an anti-racist and anti-totalitarian age. It lacks self
confidence. This shit has been all the rage since literally 1945. It
permeates everything to an absurd degree. Martin Luther King, Jr. could
only become a secular saint in an antiracist age. Jim Crow could have
only fallen in an antiracist age. Virtually every institution in our
society has been steadily reconstructed around the goal of promoting
racial equality and the interests of black people. We live under
“systemic antiracism” which actively represses Whites with the laundry
list of -isms and -phobias. The political and cultural establishment
vilifies “Nazis” and “white supremacists” and sees “racism” in
everything. The previous crisis which was World War II has become the
compass for the elites who have ruled in its wake.
Still do not like the fact that you are NOT Aryan. no matter how your genetic inferior
khazar kind changes and diverts the truth, your lot are the sole cause of the worlds ills.
Jim Crow
2020-08-03 14:57:09 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by Jim Crow
Post by Anonymous
Crow = bird = khazar
Yet your lot are living in luxury in non British N London aka
spongers, parasites, kiddie fiddlers, 5th columnists, hate preachers,
racists, illegal immigrants... all khazars
The enemies of the Nazis triumphed in 1945 and the world that they
created has been an Antiromantic age. It has been an antifascist age. It
has been an anti-racist and anti-totalitarian age. It lacks self
confidence. This shit has been all the rage since literally 1945. It
permeates everything to an absurd degree. Martin Luther King, Jr. could
only become a secular saint in an antiracist age. Jim Crow could have
only fallen in an antiracist age. Virtually every institution in our
society has been steadily reconstructed around the goal of promoting
racial equality and the interests of black people. We live under
“systemic antiracism” which actively represses Whites with the laundry
list of -isms and -phobias. The political and cultural establishment
vilifies “Nazis” and “white supremacists” and sees “racism” in
everything. The previous crisis which was World War II has become the
compass for the elites who have ruled in its wake.
Still do not like the fact that you are NOT Aryan. no matter how your genetic inferior
khazar kind changes and diverts the truth, your lot are the sole cause of the worlds ills.
You seem quite articulate for a Negro.
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive
to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite
frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." –Canadian Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau

2020-08-03 19:07:22 UTC
Post by Jim Crow
Post by Anonymous
Post by Jim Crow
Post by Anonymous
Crow = bird = khazar
Yet your lot are living in luxury in non British N London aka
spongers, parasites, kiddie fiddlers, 5th columnists, hate preachers,
racists, illegal immigrants... all khazars
The enemies of the Nazis triumphed in 1945 and the world that they
created has been an Antiromantic age. It has been an antifascist age. It
has been an anti-racist and anti-totalitarian age. It lacks self
confidence. This shit has been all the rage since literally 1945. It
permeates everything to an absurd degree. Martin Luther King, Jr. could
only become a secular saint in an antiracist age. Jim Crow could have
only fallen in an antiracist age. Virtually every institution in our
society has been steadily reconstructed around the goal of promoting
racial equality and the interests of black people. We live under
“systemic antiracism” which actively represses Whites with the laundry
list of -isms and -phobias. The political and cultural establishment
vilifies “Nazis” and “white supremacists” and sees “racism” in
everything. The previous crisis which was World War II has become the
compass for the elites who have ruled in its wake.
Still do not like the fact that you are NOT Aryan. no matter how your genetic inferior
khazar kind changes and diverts the truth, your lot are the sole cause of the worlds ills.
You seem quite articulate for a Negro.
You are a kike, crow is not Christian or Aryan. Get in a gas chambe for real.
We Whites are no longer going to be led by the breitbarts, shapiro, philips, hills, blacks, spencers...
all your genetic scum kind. White power means real White ownership of identity.
We need to purge all the khazars / eastern Europeans from the planet.. no matter how far related.
Jim Crow
2020-08-03 22:20:51 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by Jim Crow
Post by Anonymous
Post by Jim Crow
Post by Anonymous
Crow = bird = khazar
Yet your lot are living in luxury in non British N London aka
spongers, parasites, kiddie fiddlers, 5th columnists, hate preachers,
racists, illegal immigrants... all khazars
The enemies of the Nazis triumphed in 1945 and the world that they
created has been an Antiromantic age. It has been an antifascist age. It
has been an anti-racist and anti-totalitarian age. It lacks self
confidence. This shit has been all the rage since literally 1945. It
permeates everything to an absurd degree. Martin Luther King, Jr. could
only become a secular saint in an antiracist age. Jim Crow could have
only fallen in an antiracist age. Virtually every institution in our
society has been steadily reconstructed around the goal of promoting
racial equality and the interests of black people. We live under
“systemic antiracism” which actively represses Whites with the laundry
list of -isms and -phobias. The political and cultural establishment
vilifies “Nazis” and “white supremacists” and sees “racism” in
everything. The previous crisis which was World War II has become the
compass for the elites who have ruled in its wake.
Still do not like the fact that you are NOT Aryan. no matter how your genetic inferior
khazar kind changes and diverts the truth, your lot are the sole cause of the worlds ills.
You seem quite articulate for a Negro.
You are a kike, crow is not Christian or Aryan. Get in a gas chambe for real.
We Whites are no longer going to be led by the breitbarts, shapiro, philips, hills, blacks, spencers...
all your genetic scum kind. White power means real White ownership of identity.
We need to purge all the khazars / eastern Europeans from the planet.. no matter how far related.
So what's the hold up?
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive
to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite
frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." –Canadian Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau

2020-08-04 08:45:03 UTC
Post by Jim Crow
Post by Anonymous
Post by Jim Crow
Post by Anonymous
Post by Jim Crow
Post by Anonymous
Crow = bird = khazar
Yet your lot are living in luxury in non British N London aka
spongers, parasites, kiddie fiddlers, 5th columnists, hate preachers,
racists, illegal immigrants... all khazars
The enemies of the Nazis triumphed in 1945 and the world that they
created has been an Antiromantic age. It has been an antifascist age. It
has been an anti-racist and anti-totalitarian age. It lacks self
confidence. This shit has been all the rage since literally 1945. It
permeates everything to an absurd degree. Martin Luther King, Jr. could
only become a secular saint in an antiracist age. Jim Crow could have
only fallen in an antiracist age. Virtually every institution in our
society has been steadily reconstructed around the goal of promoting
racial equality and the interests of black people. We live under
“systemic antiracism” which actively represses Whites with the laundry
list of -isms and -phobias. The political and cultural establishment
vilifies “Nazis” and “white supremacists” and sees “racism” in
everything. The previous crisis which was World War II has become the
compass for the elites who have ruled in its wake.
Still do not like the fact that you are NOT Aryan. no matter how your genetic inferior
khazar kind changes and diverts the truth, your lot are the sole cause of the worlds ills.
You seem quite articulate for a Negro.
You are a kike, crow is not Christian or Aryan. Get in a gas chambe for real.
We Whites are no longer going to be led by the breitbarts, shapiro, philips, hills, blacks, spencers...
all your genetic scum kind. White power means real White ownership of identity.
We need to purge all the khazars / eastern Europeans from the planet. no matter how far related.
So what's the hold up?
Speak English you khazar.
